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Saturday, March 11, 2017

The farm life unfair situation

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story plus
and this post, the farm life unfair situation
The farm life unfair situation

These types of animals in the photos were the animals that I and other young people like me had to look after in the farm, when we were young. Farm animals need to be fed, watered, and groomed every day, so it is a never ending job to look after them

The farm life unfair situation
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, my farm life experience, where we were about to talk my farm life unfair situation. Now, this situation that I am talking about here was most unfair to us youths, because it affected only us in the farms, but not all the young citizens of this somewhat rich rural town of Genzano di Lucania, because they would be living a better life in town; (Here rich rural town means only Genzano town, by comparison to other rural towns of southern Italy that surround it).
So, as it happened then, we a portion of the young citizen of Genzano became caught in a disadvantaged position including myself, and this position would affect us very badly for the rest of our lives; but we didn’t know then, that it was going to be a disadvantaged position for us in the future, and we did not know what else to do either, and there was nothing that could be done either. The few exceptions who were not put at a great disadvantaged position were those youths which their families were rich enough land owners, because it would always be an advantage for them to stay in the farms and learn their future trade and then use their farm knowledge in the future to their advantages, in their own family farms, if they had a large enough farm to run.
But for the rest of us young men, who were working in small farms like myself, and did not own enough land to secure a good living in the future, what we were doing then, would turn into a disadvantaged position later, but at the same time we had no other opportunities in life but to continue the old tradition of farming, just because this same tradition of farming had been a way of life to the rural community of this agricultural town for centuries before us, and therefore, when I was young it was thought to be the only way to earn a living, if you happened to own any land at all, so we had to be trained to be farmers in order to look after our own small farm when we would become older, and anyhow, in those times there was not much else that could be done, but this helping in the farm and training to be a farmer for us became a great disadvantage, because of the changes that followed in farming later on. This way of living that I am talking about here would be better understood, if you read this other article that we have written in Hub Pages, Farming today compared to the old way, in this hub we are describing how farming is changed and other ways of life as well.
Anyhow let us go back to my main story, now to tell you the truth and be fair here, I may have to add that there were also a few other youths working, that their families were so poor and they were also working in the farm like us, by looking after the farm animals and other small tasks, they had no land at all, so they worked in the farm just to be fed and a few other things, or a very small pay, if the farmer could afford that, those were really hard times then.
Anyhow, nobody could be blamed for putting us youths in such a position, which in the end would result for us in a disadvantaged position: because the very same way of life had served the same community of farming well for centuries, and those people did not feel disadvantaged and were not disadvantaged at all then, just because in those times, people used to accept life the way it was, as long as they had enough food on their table every day and perhaps a few other things, they were happy. But today because of the enormous change of the modern era, which has brought with it also changes in the value of work that any worker does, so life is a lot better than it used to be, which is a good thing. But for this same reason, by comparison we became greatly disadvantaged. But this is not all, because there are a lot more that can be said, about the way we became and the ways that we were treated from the rest of the town community, which was not the best, as I will tell you later.
Anyhow, at this point of time I want to make this observation, which is that we seem to be born with a sort of destiny, because we are born in certain families, we follow the same path of our family, so let us talk about my own destiny.
I believe that I have said already enough in this post, so, I will write about my own destiny in our next post.
See you soon.
Baby Rafael story plus 
The farm life unfair situation
Next time with, about my own destiny     
Some links from same author

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My farm life experience

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story plus
and this post, my farm life experience
Old man life story

This is how a long time ago farms were run, you see, this is the way that harvesting was done for centuries, it was done all by hand, it would take a long time to harvest a large field.

Harvester machine and how harvesting could and would be done today. But here we have to say that this photo is just an exaggeration because it is too crowded with machines.

My farm life experience

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, perhaps we have our own destiny, so, it is also the continuation of ‘an old man story’, where I was telling you about my real-life story, therefore, this article is another chapter of my life story and there will be several more to come later, as we go on writing them and editing them, therefore, let us continue to tell you about my life story.
As we all know, our lives sometimes are full of many surprises, sometimes those surprises may be good, at other times they might not be that good, but we should live our lives the best way we can, whenever and wherever we happen to live at the time when those life events happen. What I have just said has made me think something that has taken place since I was young. I have written something about it in my hub, Farming today compared to the old way, follow the link if you want to check it out.
Anyhow, at this very moment, it has come to my mind some wonderful machines that the farmers’ have today, because it would have made life a lot easier then, so, I would like to paste here a link about the wheat harvester that would have made life a lot easier at harvest time, if they were available when I was young, I know that our small farm could not have one, because it would cost too much but we could have hired one anyhow.
I hope it works for you to see what I mean. Now we can go back to tell you my life story.
Looking back at my own life at the time when I was young, I believe that there are times in our lives when we might not even know whether the way that we are living our lives is good or bad for us, and we will discover that life value much later in our lives; because what we have been doing during our early lives may well take us to a destiny that we had never thought could happen to us, as we have pointed out in our previous sub-article, perhaps we have our own destiny. Having said that, now let us talk about our lives that we have lived, and let us see what we think today about the life that we have already lived; therefore, let me continue to tell you the story of my life, as I have started telling you in our previous articles of, an old man life story.
So, dear readers, as I have said this hub is a continuation of our first farm life experience of, an old man life story, here we are going to add a few more descriptions about my farm life when I was a kid, or a very young man. I have to say, that from my own point of view, there are reasons to believe that once you have read my farm life story that I am writing here, you are going to agree with me that the way of life that I had, including some of those other youths, who had to live like me during those old times in the farms, it was a way of life that to most of us nowadays may seem archaic, unreal and to say the least unfair, and indeed it was really unfair to myself and to all those youths that ended up in a similar position as myself in their small family farms.
But at the time when this happened it did not seem that bad to us while we were there, because we were so young when we started to work in the farms, so, we didn’t know and everybody else thought that this sort of life had been practised from our forebears for many generations before us, therefore we were not aware then of the adverse influence that it could and would brink to us in the future, as we didn’t know then that we were placed in a disadvantaged situation and even our parents did not see how bad the situation could become to some of us, because they could not see how fast life was going to change, and even if they did guess that things were going to change very rapidly, they didn’t know what else to do, since nobody knew in those times anything else, except that they had to follow the previous generations. So, let us talk about this unfair situation that we were in at the farms in those old times.
Anyhow, I believe that this post is already long enough, so, we will continue to tell you about my life story, in our next post, Farm life unfair situation.
See you soon.  
Baby Rafael story plus 
My farm life experience
Next time with, farm life unfair situation    
Some links from same author

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Perhaps we have our own destiny

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story plus
and this post, perhaps we have our own destiny
Every one of us has a story to tell, some of us have better stories than others, but a story is a story that is all there is to it; in my case my life story could be connected with my destiny and religious issues and why I am writing all these articles.

Perhaps we have our own destiny

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, my life missed opportunities, where we had reached to stage where we were going to talk about our destiny, so let us continue.   Today I should say that I feel that there might be something we call our destiny, so one might be born to live a certain way of life, or perhaps our destiny is already written in God’s book of our own life in a way, so, we are forced to live our lives according to what is written in it, therefore our life is going to be influenced by some life events that are behind your control. Now I don’t know what to believe about what I have just said, but somehow, I believe that there is a sort of destiny for every one of us, but at the same time, I hope that our destiny is not completely fixed and it can be modified to a certain extend if we have the opportunity and continue to try our best, then, we might be able to improve our destiny.
You see, I believe that if we believe that our destiny is fixed, then there is no way that we could change it, so, it is better if we believe that we can change it somehow. Anyhow, those things that happen in our lives might happen for a reason, so they affect our life one way or another. Therefore, I believe that there is a sort of destiny because of what has happened to me in my life, and perhaps it is continuing to happen even today.
Anyhow, dear readers as I have already said, I have come to blame my fate for most of my life short comings and pains. Because I believe that when I was born, I was born with a good chance to live a better life; but it was not to be, that is the reason why I think that perhaps it was my destiny. So my dear readers if you happen to read my life story, I am sure that you may very well ask. Why is it that I am telling you mostly sad stories? Is it possible that in my whole life, I had so many sad happenings and not any happy ones?
Well, I should say here that I have had a few happy happenings, but if I had to tell you about my happy happenings they would be so few and very boring indeed, and nobody could or would be interested to hear them anyhow, because they seem to me that they are normal things and not important at all.
So, I would like to talk now most of all, about those happenings that have affected my life in a negative way, one could say that they have made me struggle during my life, as I have already said in one of my last hubs,
My life my struggles this is the link to my life struggles.
I know dear readers that you might be thinking that it is meaningless to write down all this useless stuff about my life, as nobody might be willing to read it or get any real benefit from it.
But I am thinking that if my writings survive in a hidden corner just for a generation or two, and even if my writings are not well written, as my English writing skills are not the best at this present time. But I believe that in several years when time passes away, then whoever would be reading my life story writings will find them more interesting, because life was so different in the old days, because we used to live in a different way altogether, you see, I have started to live my life long before the great changes of nowadays, so, this difference is what might make this life story interesting to read.
And if what I am writing here is going to be useless anyhow, I will do it just for practice, so that I would be able to improve my English language and also my writing skills. So that, I could feel more confident within my own self, and therefore I would not feel to be in such a hopeless and desperate position; like that time when something happened to me at a certain stage of my life, but at that time I was not able to cope with it properly, and because I wasn’t able to cope that matter in my case became also very painful, because of what I wanted to reach and do but I wasn’t able to, here I am talking about a matter that was and indeed is a very delicate matter of personal nature, so I am not going to disclose anywhere willingly.
But I would like to tell you that my helpless and desperate feelings, which I will write about them later on including what was it that caused me so much distress. But this distress has also made me come to a decision, which is that I have to improve myself in my lacking writing skills. So, now although I am getting old, I will try very hard if I can to improve myself, so that, my improvements may still help me in my later years to reach where I have failed before. You see this is my view about life; when you fail you get up dust yourself and try again harder.
Therefore, by writing my own life story, I will also help myself to improve my English and my communication skills, which after all they are the art of being able to write or to say, the right words at the right time with the right meanings; since saying meaningful and skilful phrases is just like when one writes them down.
So please don’t be annoyed by my life story and allow me to write a few things that I have gone through during my own life. I would like to write them; so that I could show you how hard life was then and how hard life can sometimes be, since this applies particularly to me; because during my life, so many things have changed since I was a child; I know of course that things will still keep changing nowadays and in the future, and very likely even faster than before, but now because we know of the oncoming changes we are able to accept them more easily than before, and therefore they will not seem that bad to us anyhow, because at least we believe that we know where we are going, in the near future.
I believe that this article is becoming too long, because today people seem very busy and don’t like very long stories, so I better stop writing this article now. But, an old man life story, IS TO BE CONTINUED: With another hub called, my farm life experience. See you next time, as we have more things to tell you.
Baby Rafael story plus 
Perhaps we have our own destiny
Next time with, my farm life experience    
Some links from same author

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My life missed opportunities

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY PLUS. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story plus
and this post, my life missed opportunities
My life missed opportunities

-Life has its own opportunities, sometimes they are good, and sometimes not so good. We might have also our own destiny.
 There could be something called destiny, and we might have our own destiny.

My life missed opportunities

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, my life story plus, where we were explaining that, I need to learn how to write my life story properly. Anyhow, here I am telling you about my life story, and all those life opportunities that I have missed during my life, which sometimes make me a bit sad. At the same time, I would like to continue to tell you my life story, because it makes me remember all the memories and those experiences that have shaped my life, so let me tell you my own special life story from the very beginning of my life, where I am going to tell you who I am, where have I been where I am now and how I got here, and here and now while I am writing my own life story in hub pages. I am writing this story hoping that one day my family and friends might read my story and understand a bit more about me, I know that this might be just a wishful thinking, because families and friends usually don’t read their stories.
So, as I have said, I have decided to tell you my own life story, because of something that has happened to me recently during my life; you see this something has pushed me to start writing many things including my own life story, so this is also the reason why I am writing now. You see, now that I am in my early sixties, and therefore I am in the later part of my life span. I have to say that although I am an old man, and therefore, experienced with life and with what life can throw at us, which sometimes it can be rather bad; one of my latest experience has made me feel so inadequate and frustrated lately, for not being able to reach out and make happen, what I wanted so desperately to happen. And this is one of the reasons, or perhaps the most important reason, why I have started to write my own life story here and also go public in Hub Pages.
I have to say here also, that to be able to write in Hub Pages and have my own article in a public place to be read from anybody, it makes me feel proud of myself, since in my younger part of my life I have never believed that I would be able to do that, even if I am doing it only in a small way; this makes me feel that I have fought back that feeling of being inadequate and now I feel more confident about myself, just because I am writing my story in Hub Pages, but let us go back to my life story.
Anyhow, I have also to say that I have felt so many other times that feeling of being inadequate during my life, which I believe that it has been all because; I was put in a disadvantaged position when I was young, and for that reason, I was not able to better myself to a satisfactory standard at that time, which otherwise I would have been able to achieve if I had the chance; so, these are my laments in this life story and these laments I am telling you here-under. But at the same time, I am not doing this for sympathy, so don’t feel sorry about me.  
For these lost chances, I can’t blame anybody, and I can’t even blame my mother for putting me in such disadvantaged position, when I was very young, because she was forced from disastrous and tragic events beyond her control. So, I have come to the conclusion that I can only blame Fate, because it struck a terrible blow to our family when I was very young.
Therefore, if in my younger years, if I had been in a position to go to high school at least for a few more years, or perhaps as long as my capacity to learn was used to the maximum; Then I could have learned whatever they teach at school, and at the same time, because I would have been in a more social environment, I would have been able to improve my social and communication skills while I were at school, those skills which are so important to communicate well with the rest of the community.
Therefore, if I had acquired those social skills when I was young, I would have been accepted better socially, and I would have felt happier with myself, instead of feeling sometimes left out from the mainstream, and feeling concerned and isolated.
You see; if I would have had a chance to learn more at high school, then I would have learned more at the time when I was young, and from that extra education I could have been more successful later on in my life, because I could have used my acquired knowledge, and those social skills which I never had the chance to learn then, because if I had, I could have achieved better things and ripped more and better rewards from within this society that we are living in today, which seems to me that it is more and more demanding about these social aspect.
This is one of those things that has made me feel sometimes inadequate, and it has followed me most of my life. You see, those social skills that I have been talking about must be learned when one is young, while frequenting high school and mixing with society around yourself, so that these social skills would become part of oneself and therefore one can use them to their own advantage all their lifelong. For me it was not like that at all and most of those skills that we require in life I had to learn bit by bit the hard way, the best way I could.
Anyhow, about this issue of feeling inadequate is going to be written in one of our hubs called, Hello my world, where I am going to sound like a rebel and break out of this life drawback in a drastic way, where I will try to change my own way of thinking; but now let us continue to follow our own ways, and our own destiny the way that we have always done. So, in our next post let us talk about that, perhaps we have our own destiny.
See you Soon.
Baby Rafael story plus 
My life missed opportunities
Next time with, perhaps we have our own destiny   
Some links from same author

Saturday, February 4, 2017

My life story plus

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, baby Rafael story plus
and this post, my life story plus
My life story plus

-Life is what one want it to be, because even when life is hard, we can always hope for better things to come. We can also try to make it better wherever possible, even when this is hard to achieve. Therefore, we need to think positive.   

My life story plus  
Sear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, these mistaken religious views, it is also part of an old man life story and the continuation of our previous hub, My life my struggles, (the link, you want to check it out).
Dear readers, even though here I am going to lament again about the life that I had to live when I was young, let me try to be positive where I can. One should keep in mind that life is what it is and most times we cannot change it at all, even if we try hard to change it. So, we should accept life the way it is and try to do the best with what we have, by using what one has learned from life itself, that is the only positive thing that we could do, we need to think positive all the time, and then nobody could take away that positive feeling from us, if we live that way and think positive life becomes a lot easier, so your life experience will always count for something positive, provided you can use whatever has been positive in your life.
Now, let me explain about this old man story, perhaps I should have called this article my life story plus, including my life missed opportunities and my destiny, plus other things that usually happen during life. Anyhow, you are all invited to read my article because this is my life story and nobody else and I invite anyone to read it, it does not matter for what reason you read it, perhaps you would read it to compare my life story to your own life story, or just for curiosity sake, because you would like to know how some other people have lived their own lives.
Here again dear readers I have to say that, we all try to live our lives the best way we can, and we all wonder at those things that have happened to us during our lives, some of which might be good and some not that good; but once we have lived those life happenings, they all seems to us as if they were a dream, they are like a sort of dream and distant memories that will come back to our minds when we try to remember them, sometimes we wonder at the amount of events that we have been through during our lives, and it seems almost unreal that we have gone through all those things, but nevertheless it has been our life that we have lived and our life is a story that could be told if we want to tell it, so, we would like to tell you our life story, perhaps just to compare our life story with other life stories, we would also like to tell our story hoping that there is somebody willing to read our life story, perhaps to compare it with his/her own life story, because our own lives could have been similar or very different from their story, but it is still is a story that could be told, because, as you know everybody of us has a story that could be told and so have I.
So, I have written my own life story that I would like to tell you here. Now, I don’t remember exactly how or when this idea of writing my own life story has started in my mind, perhaps I have written part of it down somewhere else for personal reasons, but I don’t remember now exactly why I wrote that article the first time. Perhaps I have written it down to find some positive events in my young live, when there seemed to be negative things around, but I wanted to find what positive things there are that I could use.
But anyhow, the reason why I started to write it does not matter much now, because as you know there are many people these days that write their own life story; so, I would like also to tell you my own life story for many reasons, and also to prove to myself that everyone of us as a story to tell, whether my story might or might not be as great as somebody else story it does not matter much, because here we are not competing who is telling the best story, we are only trying to tell our own life story, but every story has its own merits and could become interesting in different ways; sometimes a story could be interesting just because it is unique in its own ways; I am saying this because I believe that I have had a rather hard life when I was young, and it was unique in its own ways, and therefore when I am writing my life story, I might be going to lament about this hard life that I have lived, but that was the way that I have lived my life, and that is the way that I am going to tell it.
Because I am telling you about this hard life that I have lived, I feel a bit worried, because I guess that not many people enjoy reading or listening to somebody else story, when all they do in their story is to lament their bad luck, these sorts of stories are not much fun to read or listen to. But anyhow this is my real life story, and this is the reason why I have called this hub an old man story, because old men usually would be lamenting about things one way or another, so let us see what this old man (that is me) is going to tell about his life story, his observation and his missed life opportunities, while he is telling us his own life story and lamenting, but at the same time trying not to lament much for fear of being boring to the readers, as my life as not had anything exiting that would attract the attention of the readers, it was a very simple life and no unforeseen happy events happened; I have just said this because today while I am editing this article, in the news there are these refugees that are running away from their native land in search of a better and safer way of life in another country; one day these refugees could really have a story to tell; but that would be their story, so let me go back to my own life story.
Anyhow, even though I am writing my life story now, I believe that I have still a lot to learn how to write my own biography, but I am going to try writing it anyhow, while I am trying to learn a bit more from the Internet every day; Autobiography - How to Write Your Autobiography, but let us continue and tell you, my life missed opportunity.
Anyhow, I thing that I have said enough in this post, since today most people like to read only short articles, so, I will continue to write about my life missed opportunities in our next post.
See you soon.
Baby Rafael story plus 
My life story plus
Next time with, my life missed opportunities  
Some links from same author


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Mistaken religious views

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY PLUS. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story plus
and this post, mistaken religious views
Talk about this mistaken religious views
When we look at our human history, we will find that people have always struggled during their lives. For instance, this photo here is about the Bible exodus, which is one of the great struggle of our human history. We could add here that this struggle of the Israelite has started nearly 4000 years ago, and even today it is still going on, if we think about all those things that are still happening in the Middle East, as we speak even today.

Let us talk about this mistaken religious views

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, my life my straggles, where we were about to discuss why some people believe that we are born to suffer, when we believe only that we could be born to struggle and not to suffer. So, we would like to explain what we think about this mistaken views.
We believe that the beliefs that we are born to suffer has come from religious beliefs. Now, to prove that we need to state our own religious beliefs, which are as follow; we believe that we don’t see the need for the flesh to suffer, in order for the soul to become holy in the eyes of God. Therefore, we believe that religious people have made a mistake, when they say that we are born to suffer. We cannot believe that we are born to suffer, and therefore, their beliefs about suffering are wrong, and we back it up with the following explanation.
They are wrong, because if you are a believer and you believe in God; how could you ever think that we are born to suffer? How could you ever think that? Just think about it! How could God Our Heavenly Father, who is the perfect Father in every way do that to us. And also, for what reason should God make us just to make us suffer?
No! The whole thought of suffering here is absurd, because any good father loves his own children, and therefore he wishes that his own children live a good and happy life. Therefore, God who is the best father of us all must have made us to be free, so that we could choose our own way of living, and if during our lives there happens to be painful times, we have to rectify it ourselves in our own way, even if this will make us struggle to overcome the suffering part that goes with it.
Therefore we are sure that we are not born to suffer, but perhaps we are born to be free to do whatever comes our way and sometime we have to struggle to find our own way out of the problems that we are facing at that particular time.
Now, I would like to tell you, that I understand that life is not easy except for a few people that are born lucky. Therefore, for those people who think that life is easy, I am pretty sure that they are in the minority; and ether they are the very lucky few, which everything has been done for them, or they are fools and they cannot see what life is all about.
Indeed, it is a well-known and acknowledged fact of life, that there are several kinds of struggles within our present life; you see, even now, while I am writing this article I am struggling to write it the best way I can. We can also add here this as a matter of fact some great man have acknowledged of the existence of these struggles, and also of the existence of an inner struggle which we feel within ourselves most times.
Now, some of these men have even expressed their views in public, in a direct way or an indirect way. In my life time for instance, ‘The Right Honourable Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser,’ when the public was complaining that life was a struggle for them under his government policies; He used to say to them and I quote; ‘Life is not meant to be easy’.
Therefore, I feel so sure to admit that there are struggles in our lives, even if we don’t want them to be there, and I can assure you that even when we are not struggling, life is not meant to be easy for us, because, we will always be struggling as something somehow will bother us, one way or another.
Therefore, my own life being just like anybody else, or perhaps worse off in some respect, I would like to tell you to the extent of some very personal details, so that I will be able to show you and prove my point that in order to survive I had to struggle.
So, it seems to me that from here onward I am going to tell you ‘The struggles of my life.’ Or perhaps should I say the story of my life; since this is the only issue that I am sure to know better than anybody else, and also that there are some personal reasons to tell the story of my life.

Why tell the story

I would like to tell you the story of my life, just the way that I have lived it; with so many good chances that were partly wasted, owing to the fact that I was badly prepared when I was young, for that reason I wasn’t able to understand fully that they were good chances, and that, I could have done something about them. So, here I would like to comment about the anguish that those wasted chances brought with them, at the time when they happened and also later on during my life. So, when I think about the past with all its suffering that I have been through, I believe that I could have lived a better life, if I had been better prepared for it when I was young. And this is the most important aspect that I want to demonstrate here, and if you think that I am lamenting about my own life you are right. Anyhow one of the reasons for telling you my life story, it is that you could compare this life story to your own life story, or to the story of somebody else and hope it would help, because you will know then that you are not alone struggling, since most times we are all struggling during our lives.
Let me add here also other reasons that have made me write this post about my life struggles, even though here I am trying to tell you the story and struggles of my life, I would like to see some benefit flow to my readers, perhaps in the sense of looking at life in a more acceptable way when things go wrong and they have to struggle; then they may remember my life story and say to themselves, life is hard for me these days; but I am not alone, because lots of other people have struggled during their lives, and they are even struggling these days. Look at this life story that I have just read, which was talking about somebody else life struggles. You see, once you know that you are not the only one struggling in life, and you think about it, everything could look somehow better for you.
I believe that I might have said enough in this post about, my life my struggles. So, I would like to conclude by saying that I am going to write more in my next post called, my life story and laments, or perhaps, an old man story, or this is my life story plus, or something like that depending on what hub pages will accept for a title. See you later in our next article.
Baby Rafael story plus 
Mistaken religious views 
Next time with, my life story plus 
Some links from same author


Thursday, January 12, 2017

My life my struggles

WE ARE CANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to todays' way of life.
Welcome to our blog, Baby Rafael story
and this post, my life my struggle
My life my struggles

Let me tell you some of the struggles of my life, as we all know during our lives there are times when we have to struggle. But I have to tell you that even though life was hard for me I still enjoyed it, because life is a beautiful struggle

My life my struggles

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, personal writing concerns, where I was lamenting that sometimes I have problems with what I have written, because the computer marks them as duplicate content. Anyhow I am going to continue to write my articles and hope for the best, so, let us continue.
So, here I would like to say, that you are all invited to browse this article of, my life my struggles  if you like, and then perhaps you might compare my life struggles with somebody else struggles, or with your own struggles, if you feel that you are struggling during your own life and you want company, but try to do all this with a smile, even if you would be feeling a bit run down sometimes.
So, let me begin my life my struggles story
This life story that we are telling you here, it is going to be just another article of a simple man life journey, that is being told from the old man himself and that old man is me. So, let me tell you about my own life journey, allow me to start with the memories of my life, whether these life memories are happy happenings or sad ones, today they might not make much difference, since they have happened in the past.  So, let me talk about the struggles of my life, since life may be said that is a beautiful struggle; (You see, we need to think that life is a beautiful struggle, even when there are times when it hurts, because that is the only way to enjoy life) I am saying all this because I feel that I have been struggling all my life long, in fact I feel that I am even struggling just now, while I am writing my life memories, so, let us talk about my life struggles
My beautiful life struggle
Dear readers, let me tell you that these are the struggles of life of an ordinary and partly educated man, who had to struggle his own ways in his entire life, because this might have been his destiny, and even now is struggling in order to live his life in full; one could or would describe him as a born struggler, who kept battling on during his whole life so to speak and continues to struggle even now.
So, as it often happens to the best of us, sometimes he won his battles and sometimes he lost them. And although when he had a tough battle a scar or mark was left on him for life, he never thought to surrender to the adverse elements that life brought to him; but he kept battling on his whole life from his very tender age onward. And no matter how hard it became for himself he kept struggling on, in order to conquer those negative elements which sometimes make life miserable, as we all may know from our own life experiences.
He had to do it all by himself because; there is no other way that a person can live his own life, but one has got to keep fighting on and never give up, no matter how hard it might become during one’s own life, starting from the very beginning when we are born.
And this is the subject that I’d like to be talking to you just now, which is going to be never the less the very same story of my life, as I have already mentioned before.
So looking at what life usually bring us I have to say that, it seems to me that we are born to struggle, in order to find our own way in life, as there seems to be no other ways available to us and we have to look after ourselves the best way we can.
But here I would also like to point out to you, that there are lots of people throughout the world nowadays, who believe that we are born to suffer, as if suffering is necessary for living our lives in full. But I would not and could not agree with them at all on this suffering part, because I don’t believe for a single moment that we are born to suffer. The reasoning is that if we believe that we are born to suffer, then, when something goes wrong that would make me suffer, I would have to accept suffering as it was, and I would do nothing at all to improve my situation. To me this situation would be absurd, and therefore, I prefer to believe that it should always be possible to do something to improve my situation, even if is going to make me struggle hard for a long time.
So now, let us stop to think about what we have just said above, because we would like to discuss a bit more, about this subject of struggling or suffering. Since we would like to convince you including ourselves, that what we believe about our life struggling would be correct; so, we hope you don’t mind following what we have in mind to say now; which is that we would like to explain a bit more, what we have said about struggling and suffering for comparison sake.
So, let us talk about this comparison of struggling or suffering, just to see if what we have said above would make sense to all of us. So, let us make a general observation here; we have to say that generally speaking for a start, any parents would wish from the bottom of their hearts that their children will have an easy and happy life to live.
And if we were to ask any parent, or would be future parents: if they would like to have any children at all, knowing in advance that their children would have to suffer during their life time, we are sure that they would never agree to have children under such conditions. You see, there is no point to have children, if they have to suffer: We would like to have children only if they can live their life better than our own lives, or at least equal to our ways of life.
Having said that now we would like to explore the reasons why people think that we are born to suffer; we have to say that we don’t know exactly how and why, this belief that we are born to suffer came about, even though we see the reasons why we usually have to struggle during our lives, but let us try also to explain the suffering part that some people believe in.
We have reasons to believe, that this suffering beliefs could be part of some religious beliefs or cults, because for religious leaders telling people that life could be a struggle was not enough for them. Because usually they would like to control us somehow, and to do that they would try to scare us somehow, so that, we would do what we have been told to do. We are saying this because it is a well-known fact that religious people have had some influence in these suffering beliefs, you see, for a long time they have preached and believed that the flesh had to suffer, and only through suffering the soul would become holy in the eyes of God. Here we would like to ask this; is it really necessary that the body has to suffer, in order for the soul to become worthy in the eyes of God? Personally, speaking I don’t see the need for the body to suffer, so religious people have a mistaken view about this suffering of the body, having said that, now I believe that we need to explain better, what would be better to believe, so, let us talk about this religious mistaken view it in our next post, since this post is becoming too long.
See you soon.
Baby Rafael story
My life my struggles
Next time with, this religious mistaken view
Some links from same author
